Sergey N. Arteha und Jean de Climont haben Listen von Wissenschaftlern zusammengestellt, die ebenfalls die Relativitätstheorie kritisiert haben. Weltweit sind mehr als 10 000 Wissenschaftler in diesen Listen enthalten.
Kritik an der Relativitätstheorie? Du bist nicht allein.
Relativ kritisch Posted on 27. Januar 2022 11:53- Kommentare(2)
Thoughts on the Physics Nobel Prize 2020:
Philosophie, Relativ kritisch Posted on 25. Januar 2022 11:12Half of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Roger Penrose “for discovering that black hole formation is a robust prediction of general relativity” and half jointly to Reinhard Genzel and Andrea Ghez “for discovering a supermassive, compact object in the center of the Milky Way„.
What’s going on there?
There are no black holes, as the general theory of relativity postulates. M87 falsifies the theory. You will find a fairly standard explanation for how galaxies behave in the following essay.
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Relativ kritisch Posted on 17. Juni 2017 15:29 Wenn wir an etwas arbeiten, dann steigen wir vom hohen Roß herunter und schnüffeln am Boden mit der Nase herum. Danach verwischen wir unsere Spuren wieder, um die Gottähnlichkeit zu erhöhen.
A. Einstein
aus: Helle Zeit — Dunkle Zeit: In memoriam Albert Einstein
von Carl Seelig
Im Buch „Über Magier, E=mc² und den Kosmos“ ist es gelungen, die verwischten Spuren wieder sichtbar zu machen. Die Spur führt zu Arthur Schopenhauer und dessen Hauptwerk „Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung“, wo er das Relativitätsprinzip zwischen Subjekt als Beobachter und Objekt begründet und damit Kants Lehren aus der Kritik der reinen Vernunft widerspricht und den Willen ins Metaphysische überhöht. Das hat Einstein wohl mit der Gottähnlichkeit gemeint.
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Quantum Idea, Chemistry, Thermodynamics
Relativ kritisch Posted on 2. Juli 2016 15:11Letter from Dr. Chem. Sorin Cosofret
Dear Reader,
Please enjoy reading another newsletter about a new foundation of exact sciences.
Some people suggested me to send the newsletter as a pdf document and I think it is a good idea; therefore the entire newsletter is in attach and here, in the email body, only an abstract is presented.
This is the first and last newsletter delivered equally to physicists and chemists, as far it deals mainly with quantum idea, electricity and thermodynamics.
For more than a century, chemistry has been considered a simple appendix of physics. This situation needs a reconsideration and it is high time for chemistry to find its own way ….
The first topic encompasses the concept of quanta and I suppose it is not necessary to make an introduction for this theory, which is considered the most exquisite theory ever developed.
Many cut off experiments related to quantum idea have been already published on Elkadot website, but as far we are doing the warming up, the newsletter presents only some consequences of quantum idea in every day life.
Have you ever been to a seaside, enjoying a nice holiday and swimming into a lake or a see?
Have you ever bought a bottle of vinegar and used it in the kitchen?
If quantum theory is right, than a law should be given in order to forbid people to swim in water and to manipulate in special conditions a simple bottle of vinegar. According to quantum predictions, a bottle of commercial vinegar should give all the time the illumination of 3 light bulbs of 100 W and emit in UV stronger than a sterilization lamp…
Otherwise a new postulate of physics should be formulated as follows:
Electric charges can neutralize and go extinct without any photon emission (UV, VIS, IR) and without a quantum jump, if this is not in the interest of quantum theory.
If someone draw an detailed list, there are more known phenomena where this charge neutralization take place without any photons emission than those with photon emission.
In the newsletter only the following particular cases are analyzed: electrostatic painting, water and vinegar dissociation.
A special battery is presented in the second section. Both electrodes undergo an oxidation process but a current is measured between them contradicting all it has been written in this field in the last 3 centuries.
The third section is dedicated to a new effect in science. The effect consists in apparition of an electric current when a semiconductor and a metallic electrode, connected through a conductor, are immersed into a liquid or a solution.
I present here this effect because it cancels everything you have ever learned about electricity. Both metal and graphite electrodes are not ,,electrified”, so there is no charge transfer between these components in order to explain the generation of this current. There is no chemical reaction in the system able to explain the apparition of this current; there is no magnetic field in the circuit able to generate an electric current too….
The last scientific topic is related to entropy and second principle of thermodynamics.
Of the laws of thermodynamics, Albert Einstein is quoted as saying ,,…. the deep impression which classical thermodynamics made on me. It is the only physical theory of universal content which I am convinced, that within the framework of applicability of its basic concepts will never be overthrown.”
After Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington: ,,If someone points out to you that your pet theory of the universe is in disagreement with Maxwell’s equations—then so much the worse for Maxwell’s equations. If it is found to be contradicted by observation—well these experimentalists do bungle things sometimes. But if your theory is found to be against the second law of thermodynamics I can give you no hope; there is nothing for it but to collapse in deepest humiliation. “
Really so?
Without introducing any new concept or experiment let us analyze the applicability of entropy concept to chemical and biological systems.
In actual chemistry, entropy plays only a secondary importance. Gibbs introduced long time ago the concept of free energy and correspondingly the spontaneity of a chemical processes is related to this free energy; there is no use for the second principle of thermodynamics at all.
In fact, free energy is depended on three factors: enthalpy, temperature and entropy and from the combination of these three factors a chemical process can be spontaneous or not.
Therefore, in the frame of actual science, the extension of second principle of thermodynamics to chemical and biological systems is pure imagination.
There are some analysis which regard only physical phenomena and it can be easily observed that entropy concept does not apply to the pure physical systems too.
As consequence, in proposed theory the second principle of thermodynamics is completely ruled out. The fact gases and some liquids expand in certain condition cannot give enough generality for such a principle.
I think you will find very interesting the last section entitled: ,,An unwanted theory of science”.
I am looking for capital in order to build a private research laboratory in Romania and later to expand it in other countries. Universities can also become partners.
Although the information presented on site seems to have no much commercial application, the opposite is true. There are a lot of topics with big potential application which are already solved from many years or others which are in progress.
For example, a theory which explain the superconductivity (at high or low temperatures) was formulated around 2004. Until now, in a real progressive society, we would have had already commercial application for superconductors at ambient temperatures.
Another example of a research which is still in progress: have you ever thought that an hurricane can be tamed and kept under a level 2? What’s better in your opinion: to stay and watch at TV how an hurricane develops and arrive at level 3 even 4 and produces damages of billions, or to develop a technology able to keep it under level 2 with a cost of few millions?
Other topics are to be discussed with interested people…..
Best regards,
dr. Chem. Sorin Cosofret
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Einsteins dunkle Seite
Relativ kritisch Posted on 13. Juli 2015 16:16Die Geschichte der Wissenschaft bezeichnet das als gescheitert deklarierte Äther-Drift-Experiment von 1887 von Albert Michelson und Edward Morley als den entscheidenden Wendepunkt, nach dem der Energie-Äther des Weltraumes durch den Mainstream der Physiker verworfen wurde. 1905 und 1915 hat Albert Einstein seine von Beginn an umstrittenen Relativitätstheorien veröffentlicht. Diese beruhen auf dem Postulat der Konstanz der Lichtgeschwindigkeit. Sein größter Widersacher war Dayton Miller, der, was kaum jemand weiß, die Ätherdrift-Experimente bis Ende der Zwanziger Jahre fortsetzte und ein positives Ergebnis erhielt.
„Meine Meinung über Millers Experimente ist die folgende. … Wenn das positive Ergebnis bestätigt wird, dann wird die spezielle Relativitätstheorie und mit ihr die allgemeine Relativitätstheorie in ihrer gegenwärtigen Form ungültig sein. Experimentum summus judex. Nur die Gleichwertigkeit der Trägheit und der Gravitation würde bleiben, jedoch würden sie zu einer erheblich anderen Theorie führen müssen.“
– Albert Einstein, in einem Brief zu Edwin E. Slosson, 8. Juli 1925
Dieses positive Ergebnis passt hervorragend zur heutigen Vorstellung vom kosmischen Plasma.
Lesen Sie hier, wie Millers Arbeit diskreditiert wurde und versucht wurde, ihn aus dem Gedächtnis der Öffentlichkeit zu entfernen.
Siehe auch:
Die Experimente von Dayton C. Miller (1925-1926)
und die Relativitätstheorie
Von Maurice Allais, Zusammenfassung
und hier Millers Aufsatz von 1933
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